Quarterly Award Goes to Nick Harrison!!
OU is pleased to announce that Nick Harrison has been chosen as the Employee of the Quarter, for the 1st quarter of 2019!
Nick is being recognized for his thoughtfulness, commitment, dedication, thoroughness and hard work with his customers.
Over the last year Nick has been extremely successful in helping one of his customers in particular, to live a healthier lifestyle, along with helping him to lose a lot of weight! He lost over 100 pounds!!! ME could not have done this without the persistence, and dedication of a provider such as Nick that Truly cares about seeing his customers succeed! The fact that Nick has taken the time/energy to help his customers prepare healthy meals, exercise and choose healthy meals options while out in the community, has proven to be very successful! Great work, Nick!!!!!!
Moreover, Nick goes out of his way to plan fun, and exciting overnight trips with his customers! This is such a great way to work on everyday goals, such as cooking, safety, forming friendships, along with building overall independence and a sense of self-worth and value!
In order to be successful in this line of work it requires dedication to each customer, and their goals, along with a drive to want to see your customers succeed! Most importantly the overall goal is for each customer to become independent and live happy healthy lives! Nick shows this dedication on a daily basis, Nick, you are an excellent example, advocate and mentor!!! Keep up the amazing work!
Opportunities Unlimited