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Q1 2023

Gia Gilmour
Supported Employment Professional
We are all so incredibly proud of all of your accomplishments since you started with OU back in 2015!
You are an absolute joy to work with, bringing so much light, happiness and positivity to everyone around you!
You have made such an incredible impact on the lives of everyone you work with, from your time as a DSP to a Job Developer and Job Coach! You constantly go well above and beyond your job duties to bring peace, happiness, independence, and value to our clients lives!
It is an honor and a blessing to have you as such an integral part of Opportunities Unlimited. Thank you for being you, and for bringing so much value into the lives of everyone you come in contact with!

Jasmine Gomez
Direct Support Professional
Jasmine has been with OU since 2018 and has provided outstanding services to all she has worked with! She continues to go above and beyond to ensure that her client has her personal needs and goals met. She also helps ensure that her client has the support she needs in raising her kids, by helping her with the everyday responsibilities of being a very busy Mom.
Jasmine has an amazing dedication and work ethic and she always puts her clients' needs at the forefront! She is hardworking, goal oriented and always strives to better the life of her client. She also brings a professional and driven energy to her role as a DSP, despite her busy schedule outside of OU. She is committed to growing professionally and is a very open and well-mannered communicator.
Keep up the great work, Jasmine!
Q3 2022

Megan Hamilton
Supported Employment Professional
Megan continuously goes well above and beyond her job duties to ensure that all OU staff are trained and knowledgeable in every aspect of their jobs. She spends countless hours meeting up with staff in-person and talking with them on the phone, all to ensure that they are confident and well informed on what it takes to be successful in their roles here at OU.
Megan is also immensely helpful within the admin department! She ensures that all of the SE participant and vendor details are streamlined and laid out in detailed documents and formatting within our admin portal, which helps to make all of the SE admins' work lives much easier to navigate. We have had an influx of SE participants come through this year, and without Megan creating and carefully tracking each movement, well, I personally would be at a loss!
So please help me in giving a huge shoutout to Megan, for her creativity, steadfastness, determination and dedication to ensuring that the SE side of OU is flourishing so that we can continue to help our participants thrive and grow within their employment careers.

Direct Support Professional
Not available at this time. Please check back later.
Q2 2022

Dennis Benjamin
Supported Employment Professional
I would like to express my sincere admiration for Dennis' outstanding and countless achievements over the last year at OU. Not only is Dennis the Director over the Supported Employment division, thus helping to ensure the success of Opportunities Unlimited as a whole, but he works with our Job Development and Job Coach participants. The work he does helps guide our participants towards a bright and fulfilling future, full of endless possibilities.
Dennis spends endless hours working to ensure the success of each participant and each SE team member. The fact that he has worked on his days off and has covered graveyard shifts when no one else was available, goes above and beyond. He did all of this in an effort to secure long term, successful employment for our participants, and to build professional working relationships with local businesses and managers, thus ensuring potential employment leads for future participants.
Dennis' selflessness and ability to work through unforeseen challenges and collaborate so well with the rest of the team is impressive and shows exceptional critical thinking skills and a true dedication to all that OU stands for and believes in.
Thank you once again for all your contributions and dedication to seeing our participants thrive, and live fulfilling and successful lives!

Charlene Sanders
Direct Support Professional
Please join me in congratulating Charlene for provider of the quarter!
Charlene continues to go above and beyond to ensure her clients have their personal needs and goals met. She has improved the lives of her customers by encouraging exercise and accessing the local gym, meeting each client where they are at and encouraging them to direct their own supports. Recently, Charlene was faced with a difficult situation when a customer experienced a mental health crisis. She consistently demonstrates her ability to stay calm and patient even in the midst of chaos. Not only was she there for the client, but she reached out to the person’s parent for extra support and learned how to handle similar situations in the future.
Charlene is a very hardworking provider who continues to use her strengths to overcome obstacles, encourage and support each person on her caseload. Thank you Charlene, for your outstanding work and your patience. It has been a joy to read your progress notes and to see the positive ways you are enhancing the lives of the people we serve through OU! Keep up the great work!
Q1 2022

Chris Vergnaud
Supported Employment Professional
Chris, It gives me great pleasure to notify you that you have been selected as the Employee of the Quarter for the Supported Employment Division for the 1st Quarter of 2022!
As you know, this is an award that is provided by the OU Admin Team; it is provided to the team member whom they believe contributed the most to their client's success during the quarter, as well as contributing to the overall growth and success of OU. You continuously go out of your way to help other employees with their work activities and goals. You are unfailingly cheerful, upbeat, and a positive light and you always meet your report and delivery deadlines, which helps ensure the success of each of our clients and other team members.
Additionally, you are organized, efficient and you work extremely hard to ensure that our clients needs are being met. We are impressed with the amount you accomplish in a day and especially appreciate the leadership role that you assumed when you took on your position as an Employment Coach and Job Developer.
It is an honor to have you on the team and for you to be selected for this award by your supervisors. It speaks highly of how well you and your work are perceived in the company. It is a positive contribution that deserves our recognition. I am proud to say that you are a valued member of Opportunities Unlimited!
We are a better team thanks to your unwavering dedication to seeing others succeed and lead fulfilling lives!

Brenda Williams
Direct Support Professional
Brenda has gone above and beyond to ensure that her clients have all the support they need and that their goals are being met on a daily basis.
Recently, Brenda took on a very challenging client. Throughout it all Brenda was very calm, reassuring, helpful, thought outside the box and truly went well above and beyond in every way possible to help this client be as successful and healthy as possible! This client has severe health issues and was not able to find a dentist to get to due to his size and being unable to sit in a dentist chair due to the weight limit of the chair. Brenda reached out to numerous places to find a solution to the problem, which she did. This took a lot of patience and persistence, and in the end, it paid off! She is also working with another challenging customer to get her healthy and set up with going to a free laundromat and getting her set up with furniture in her apartment. This client has a lot of other challenges, which Brenda jumped into feet first, without hesitation!
Brenda is a very determined and hard working provider who gives her all and gives it from a place of true compassion, empathy, dedication and caring! Through all this Brenda always presents herself in a very professional and caring manner. Brenda has a wonderful sense of humor, and always makes people smile. She truly brings out the best in everyone she comes in contact with!
Thank you Brenda, for being you! We love having you on the team and look forward to seeing all the positive ways in which you are influencing our clients and helping them reach for the stars